i enjoy february. i know a lot of people dread the month, but when you have love day AND and a birthday in february, it's not too shabby. despite the weather and yearning for spring.

our valentine's day wasn't super exciting this year. when you're poor, and a student, and about to have a baby....valentine's day stays real simple. which is fine with me. it was nice to just have a date with my husband without him having to worry about homework. he came home from school/work and surprised me with some flowers and my all time favorite chocolates. then he had to hit the books for an hour or so before we headed out for the night. we were staying in pocatello again that weekend because norman had a bachelor party for a friend on saturday. so we packed and went to a chinese restaurant because i have been cravin me some lo mein lately {it still didn't hit the spot...i think panda express is the only one that's cuttin it these days concerning lo mein}. then we went to my parents house and drug them all out of bed {it was only like 9 o clock....} and played a game. it was nice to be with my husband and family on love day...all those i love most. :)
then yesterday was my birthday. the big 2-4. i'm starting to feel too young to be these ages that are sneaking up on me. norman has been confused because normally i make a real big deal out of my birthday. i count down and i make excuses to do things because it's "my birthday week/month" but this year i didn't. my birthday kind of sneaked up on me because i've been so consumed with this little baby growing inside me. when there's a more important birthday coming up real soon, you seem to forget about your own. but none-the-less it was still a great day.
norman went to work, my parents had to bring my niece up for a doctors appointment in town so they came and picked me up as well as my grandpa and we went to lunch {pizza pie cafe...i could eat there errr day these days}. we also ran some errands, i needed to grab some stuff at target for baby. then we headed back to my grandpas house to play our normal game of russian rummy. i got creeeeaamed the first game. i told my grandpa he could at least let me win on my birthday, but of course, he's ruthless {this is where our family gets our competitive side i think....}. so i made them all play another round and i won on the very last hand. it felt so great. :) {my grandpa and i have created a rivalry between us in this game..it's pretty humourous}.
norman finally joined us after he got off work and we had cake and ice cream.

^^^thinkin real hard about a wish.^^^

everyone but london and my mom were wearing plaid flannel....pretty cute, right? we looked like genuine hillbilly's :)
once norman and i got home i was surprised with my gift from him. he bought me a back massager...the good ones that sit in the chairs and knead your back....oh my heck i am in heaven. i don't know how productive i'll be with that sittin in the next room. he told me there was a condition along with it....i couldn't ask him for massages anymore...only tickles. haha. poor guy..i have definitely exhausted him on the massages.
it was a great birthday and thank you to all of you who wished me well! i love you all!
oh....by the way...quick story....
when my parents came to pick me up they had also just returned from the dentist. well, my mom was telling me how they were telling her she needs to floss more, etc. etc. and i said yeah..i'm really bad at flossing, i need to do that, too. well i was finishing getting ready while we were talking about this and thought...hey..i'll floss since i'm thinkin about it....
bad idea.
i have a tooth that i had filled years ago but the cavity was so bad that they kind of had to reshape part of my molar. well as i flossed between this tooth and another one, a huge chunk came flying out......part of my fake tooth. ugh! and then when i went to rinse with cold water i about DIED from the pain. so i had to call the dentist {who is my cousin} and he is now squeezing me in on his lunch hour tomorrow to fix it for me. oh my heck...really? break a tooth on my birthday??? not cool.
but other than that. it was a fabulous day!! happy birthday to me! and here's to year 24 years of living! :)
I'm glad you had a fabulous day!! :)