i don't know about you guys, but…we had a fabulous christmas. as i mentioned in my christmas eve post….it certainly was epic. like i said, we spent christmas eve with normans side of the family. kicked it off with dinner…which is always good…his family can cook, i tell ya. homemade rolls, homemade chicken noodle soup, homemade chili, homemade caramels, homemade everything. then we headed downstairs for the present exchange. norman and i were the definition of spoiled rotten this year. most of our gifts came from normans parents and grandparents combined, so instead of opening them up on christmas like we normally would've..we opened them on christmas eve because we weren't going to be seeing his grandparents on christmas.
we were so spoiled that we almost felt silly and embarrassed. they were seriously so kind. and in the loot they gave us, was the adorable fire truck for baby boy reece. we both about died when we saw it.
norman's favorite gift of the year was his cowboy boots. he finally got them. he's been asking for them for as long as i can remember…and i kept saying they were too expensive…so i tipped off his grandma and mom and they got the job done. he was so cute when he got them.
after presents we all shared thoughts and stories about christmas and what it really means. then played some games. it was the nicest evening and we enjoyed every minute. after we were all partied out, norman and i headed to my parents to go to bed. we woke up early {pictured above is our tree that morning….sun isn't even up yet} to open presents with my parents, my sister, and her 4 kiddos that we helped raise for the last year. christmas is so much more fun with little ones involved. {next year it'll be our little one…eek!}.
then back to the reece's we went to finish up gift exchanges. the picture of norman and i above is the best i could manage on christmas day. he hates pictures. :/
then that night was our annual christmas present game with my family. my favorite part of christmas. it is always epic. there were a few times that i didn't think i was going to make it to the bathroom i was laughing so hard. plus, we finally got to give my dad his two big gifts we have been waiting for him to get: a year membership to the shooting range in pocatello, and a four wheeler. he was beyond excited and so deserving. with everything he's had to go through the last year or so…he needed a little pick-me-up.
then the next day we hung out, watched movies, went bowling, and ate more food! it was one of the best christmases and we so enjoy being with our families. i can't wait til next year when we get to share christmas with a new addition to our family. {still so weird to think about}.
i hope christmas found all of you happy and healthy!
merry christmas!
That is the cutest little fire truck! Homemade anything is the best, especially for Christmas! Sounds like you had the best time!