Sunday, July 28, 2013

moving, visitors, and some...other stuff.

guys, it's been quite a while since i've blogged. i've just been so darn busy! but some stuff has happened.

here's a short update for ya:

we finally moved!

everything went smoothly and it was a nice transition. our apartment is great and we love it so far. i'll post pictures eventually...but i don't have everything put all. and mostly because all my time has been spent working and chillin with family!

my sister and her family from florida came to visit! we hadn't seen them in a little over a year! it was so very nice to see them again! we miss them so much!

we went to lava hot springs! i haven't been in years. and if we're being's probably the only summery thing i've done all summer. :( lame.

we also went out to eat at senor iguana's one night. and i'm sad to say i've never been....which is odd cause i love mexican food. it did not disappoint. 

linsey and jarom also taught me how to make their famous salsa and now i'm going to make it by the gallons and have it forever!!! i'm so excited about it.

other than that my life has been consumed by working and driving back and forth between idaho falls and pocatello. yay.

we did get to see our friends, mckay and kirsten, and their little girl, june, at kirsten's mom's wedding reception. we loved seeing them again and have missed them since they moved.

so that is what has been going down lately at our place.
i still have some stuff i want to blog about! {like my fabulous headboard we made} but alas, today is not the day. 

hope you are all doing more fun summery things than i am!


  1. Sounds like everything has been going great! :)

  2. Morg! I haven't read any blogs in ages so I finally just caught myself up on your life :) i know i know... i need to blog... blehhh. anyways, we live in the same city and i wanna see you. Let's go to lunch before i move in less than 2 weeks! Also, I'm dying to see the headboard you made, I wanna make one so bad, so get on that blog post would ya? spanks. love you
