Wednesday, January 30, 2019

pepper kelsey: 11 and 12 months!

So almost a month ago my cute little miss pepper turned a year old!! but we'll go back in time a little bit and talk about what she was doing at 11 and 12 months old.

she still....just...looks the same her whole life i feel like. we have loooooved this age. guys, one year olds are just kind of the best ever.

11 months:

12 months:

sleeping: she has been sleeping really good lately! goes to sleep around 8 and wakes up around 8:30 ish. so it's been pleasant. we had a breakthrough one night when i had fed her and changed her and she still just wanted to cry, so we let her. she finally fell asleep and since then she's been sleeping! woot woot!

eating: she is still breast fed and loves it. she used to eat solids really good and now she's been refusing lately. she usually loves table food, but lately i think she's been nursing and a little sick so ALLLLL she wants to do is nurse. good thing she's chunky.

milestones: so i guess the big one is that she is walking! she is my earliest walker and i knew she would be. she started taking steps on her own about right at 11 months and by the time she was 12 months she was full blown runnin around the house practically. i always love when they start to walk. she offically has 8 teeth. four on top, three on bottom and one molar. (lately i think the other molar is trying to come through.... she's been gruuuuumpy). she still doesn't talk a whole ton. mostly grunts to communicate. she an sign "more", "all done" and "please". Those are what she does the most often. She does say "tickle, tickle, tickle", too. It's hilarious. She'll come up to someones feet and start tickling them while repeating it over and over. she gives good kisses, too! we love watching her learn new things. She's my most aware child, and loves to mimic.

things to remember:
she is quite feisty. screams at others when she's mad (we are trying to curb that fact she's doing it to me right now). she loves to play with her siblings and thinks they're hilarious. She also loves to be one on one with her mama or dad. whenever the other two are off doing something with grandparents or something she gets all hyper and happy. she loves toothbrushes, mostly i think it just feels good on her gums. we love her spunky personality and can't wait to see more of it!! fire and all!

stats from her 12 month appointment:

weight: 22.4 lbs    percentile: 84th
height: 30 in         percentile: 79th

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