Wednesday, August 15, 2018

pepper kelsey: 5, 6, and 7 months!

well! summer got a little crazy around here and i haven't written about my baby girl in 3 months!! so i'm doing one big catch-up post. luckily i DID take pictures on her month birthdays each time. however, i feel like pepper is going to be one of those kids that looks the same their whole lives. like grant. i can look at a video of grant 2 years ago and the only way i can tell that he's younger is cause he doesn't talk as well. pepper doesn't change a whole ton! just has gotten some more hair and some more chub! 

5 months:

6 months:

7 months:

sleep: sleep has been back and forth the last few months. some days she'll sleep through the night, other nights she's up 5 times, other nights its only once. she's all over the place. lately i feel like it has gotten a bit better though. so we are getting some decent sleep over here. she's a TERRIBLE napper though. she takes a really good solid nap in the morning and then after that it's cat naps all the day long until bed time. so...i don't know what that's all about. 

eating: still nursing and we introduced solid foods around 6 months. i'm kind of super lazy about starting solids. it's just so much easier to nurse. haha. but she looooooves food. she's my only baby that's been crazy interested in what everyone else is eating and wanting some of it. she did go on a little 24 hour nursing strike that had me in a bit of a panic. she has nursed like a champ since day one and then one evening a couple weeks ago she refused. just SCREAMED every time i tried to nurse her. it was so odd because she's kind of a comfort nurser, too. problem was i think i startled her when she had bit me a few times while nursing that day. ugh. i felt terrible. eventually after almost exactly 24 hours i got her to start nursing again and she's been fine ever since. we just realized she's a little more sensitive apparently....haha. got her feelings hurt and went on strike! a nice little peak into my future. :)

milestones: i'm pretty sure she was rolling over last time i blogged, but she's a pro at it now and has started to kind of scoot around. she turns in circles and gets around on her tummy by pushing back. she hasn't started to army crawl yet but i'm sure it's not far. she still hasn't rolled from back to belly. she gets close and rolls to her side but hasn't gone all the way, yet. did i mention she can say mama???? it was mid to early july i think? She started saying mama. she had been kind of saying dada already, not sure if she knew what it meant but she does say mama and dada consistently now and i feel like she knows what she's saying. she mostly says mama when she wants to nurse so....that's my cue. she also sits up like a champ. she started a month ago ish and wasn't as steady but now is good at catching her balance. she also cut her two bottom teeth a while ago...she's had them for at least a month. i feel like a lot of her milestones happen around 6 months!

these were her stats at her 6 month old appt:

 weight: 18.6 lbs                              percentile: 85th
 length: 26 inches                             percentile: 46th
head circumference: 17.5 inches      percentile: 94th

things i want to remember:
she has some weird sleeping habits! she loves to cover her face with a blanket, a burp cloth, nursing cover...anything. She will be fussing and trying to fall asleep and she will mess with her blanket or whatever is in reach, pull it over her face, and is instantly out (don't worry, we move it off her face once she falls asleep so she can breath... freaks me out). 
she is sooooo wiggly. wants to jump on your lap while you're holding her all the time.
she is kind of needy. she's very content but loves to be held. always wants to be included.
she loves food as i have kind of gal.
she has the sweetest smile and doesn't really have stranger danger, yet. she loves everyone. 
she does little crunches when she's on her back and either wants up or is trying to see something. she's gonna have killer abs.

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